Amazing New Tool for Creating Well-Being. You'll be impressed by the results.  We guarantee it.


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Natural Vision Improvement

The patent-pending One Force inventions assists natural vision improvement methods by releasing inner stresses.  Most people know that acupuncture balances the Chi energy in the meridians.  In a similar way, this invention affects all levels of being by an invisible spiritual force, which most people can actually feel working on their eyes to see clearly.

The One Force instruments will be available for a FREE trial at Old Dominion University's "Natural Vision Improvement Symposium".  The symposium includes addresses by renown natural vision improvement experts as Dr. Robert-Michael Kaplan, Dr. Grace Halloran, Dr. Meir Schneider, and Dr. Peter Mansfield.  One Force Corporation is also one of the sponsors for the Natural Vision Improvement Symposium.  (A video tape of people interviewed after using the Professional model at the last Symposium is available for $17 postpaid.)  Click here for more information.

FREE One Force

A FREE One Force may be provided to respected medical research centers whose published results would be accepted by physicians, psychiatrics or other medical professionals. Some research topics are: eye problems, pain relief (pain in joints, pain along spine, pain after surgery, chronic pain), tumors and cancer, diabetes, kidney problems, lung problems, digestive problems, difficult or rare skin rash problems, sinus problems, mental health problems (anxiety, depression, anger, sleeplessness, headaches, etc), chronic fatigue syndrome.  Please contact us for more information.

We also are developing a new instrument that will not be sold, but be given FREE to large mental health treatment centers such as mental hospitals or community mental health agencies or inpatient

Personal model sold through Heritage catalog

The Heritage Store mail-order catalog department will begin selling the Personal One Force in their next catalog in April 2000.  Since their catalog reaches several hundred thousand people and businesses, we will be able to make more people aware of the One Force instruments.

One Force Corporation will be at Hypnotherapists Conference.

The sixth annual NATH convention will be held in Virginia Beach, VA from Sept. 26 to October 5th 2000 at the Oceanfront Sheraton.  NATH is the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists. Featured speakers are Shakuntala Modi M.D., psychiatrist and author of book "Miraculous Healings" and Bruce  Lipton, Ph.D., professor, scientist and author of book "The Biology of Consciousness".  For more information, call 1-800-296-6463.

One Force Corporation will be at the Universal Light Expo in October 2000

The 12th annual expo will be held in Columbus, Ohio  in October 14 and 15, 2000 at Veterans Memorial Hall 300 West Broad St. Columbus.  This is the largest expo in the Midwest.  Don Danlyk will also be a speaker on the One Force.  The Personal and Professional Models will be available for FREE trial.  For more information please call the expo at (614) 470-3649 or write Universal Light Expo,  PO Box 14246,  Columbus, Ohio 43214.  
An audio tape is available of this very interesting speech given at Universal Light Expo 2000 on One Force experiences, uses of the One Force, and how it works.  Order from L&W Sound in Detroit at 1-877-827-3799 ask for Tape SA69 for $8.00.

Professional One Force in Europe

The Professional One Force will be available for a free trial during "Medicine Week"  in Badenbaden, Germany, from October 30th to November 3rd, 2000 from 9 AM to 6 PM.   Show admission may be limited to doctors, in which case call after show hours at the Best Western hotel at phone 011 -- 49722165043 to arrange for a free trial. 
From November 4 to November 9, the Professional One Force will be in Malaga, Spain at phone 34 -- 952-931980 at the voice mail press 9 to leave a message.

One Force will be at the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Conference and Expo in December 2000

This large 8th international annual expo is expected to attract several thousand doctors, will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada on December 15 -17, 2000 at the Venetian Hotel.  This expo features the latest technological breakthroughs in anti-aging medicine.  One of our distributors, the Heritage Store, will have the One Force instruments available for free trial at the expo.  Go to the Heritage Store booth at the expo.  For more information and to register, call 1-800-927-5007.

Professional One Force in Las Vegas in June 2001

The Professional One Force will be available for a free trial in Las Vegas, Nevada in the beginning of June 2000.  Please contact  us at 1-800-589-9477 for more information.

Professional One Force research by the University of Arizona

The research will be done by Dr. Gary E. R. Schwartz, Professor of Psychology, Neurology, Psychiatry, and Medicine; and also Director of Human Energy Systems Laboratory at the University of Arizona.  Dr. Schwartz obtained a Professional One Force several months ago in July 2000.  He is applying for a research grant to the National Institute of Health to compare the Professional One Force to Reiki and to prayer.  We know the Professional One Force will produce great results, because several Reiki masters have told us the One Force affected problems that Reiki could not affect.

Click here for more information.

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