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One Force Corporation

One Force Corporation was originally started as an IRS approved 401-C-3 Non-Profit Religious organization.   God wants us to affect many people which requires a lot of money to support a large organization.  These products need to be available everywhere, but financial support did not occur.  We contacted many trusts that support religious organizations with millions of dollars, but they were not willing to support our unconventional approach. Therefore One Force Corporation is no longer a non- profit organization.   

The following is an extract from the Internal Revenue Service application for tax exempt status that gives the history and our original plans:

"Part II Activities and Operational Information
1  Provide a detailed narrative of all the activities of the organization- past, present and planned."

"Reverend Donald Danlyk, an ordained minister since Feb. 26, 1991 in Universal Life Church, was told by Divine revelation from God to establish One Force Corporation.  I believe my experience is of God, and God has a plan for this corporation to help bring a religious awakening to society.  One Force Corporation will be completely independent from Universal Life Church.  The Oneness of God is a difficult truth to realize.  "Thou art One, and at the mystery of Thy Oneness the wise of heart are struck dumb".  The religious purpose of One Force Corporation is to help people recognize the existence of God, God's laws, and give up a materialistic lifestyle for a spiritual religious lifestyle.

The following activities will further these religious purposes:

 We will conduct research to show that the laws of science and mathematics are also spiritual laws, and point to an existence of an Oneness aspect of God.  Many separate parts cooperatively working together as if they were a single unit is an example of Oneness.  The research will eventually lead to a publication of a book, which will open the eyes of scientists to a spiritual understanding of our world.  This will cause many people to give up a materialistic philosophy and adopt a spiritual philosophy that gives importance to living your life based on love, peace, forgiveness, nonviolence, selfless service to others, and other spiritual principles.  To further prove that our spiritual interpretation of scientific laws is correct, we would build working spiritual inventions such as illustrated by the "Ark of the Covenant" in the Bible. Besides proving our spiritual interpretation, the spiritual growth inventions will help people to have direct experiences of love, inner peace, spiritual revelation and insight, etc.  Reading religious books cannot spiritually awaken many people, but a direct experience by a spiritual invention can awakened them to improve their lives.   These religious experiences will help people to give up materialistic pursuits for religious pursuits.  The spiritual invention would treat "sicknesses of the soul" and help people to improve themselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and return to greater well-being and a spiritual lifestyle.  (75 %)  

Another activity would be to provide free counseling through the phone and other ways to help explain spiritual experiences, and support people making a transition to a more spiritual lifestyle.  We would want to help people get on the spiritual path in whatever religion they choose.  We would support all religions and not promote any particular religion.  Hopefully people would recognize the spiritual beings that they really are, and choose a spiritual path.  (15 %)  

Another activity would be to promote spiritual growth methods such as prayer, meditation and other effective methods for bringing about spiritual improvement in others.  (5%) 

Another activity is to be an active force to stop the deterioration of good character traits in society, by financially supporting organizations promoting good character training in society.  We would also financially support other organizations doing charitable or religious work that is seriously needed in society. (5%}

These above activities would be initiated when adequate funding is available.  Reverend Donald Danlyk and staff and volunteers of One Force Corporation will conduct these activities."  
(End of IRS statement)


The organization is interested in improving the spiritual qualities in society.  Our purpose is to help others to help themselves.  The engineer who worked on the One Force is not only skilled in Photonics, Electronics and Chemistry, but also has been on the spiritual path for many years.  For over 30 years, he has meditated about 1 1/2 hours each day and has had a wide variety of mystical experiences, and became an ordained minister.  In 1973 he founded "Light and Sound", a spiritual organization, and was a teacher of meditation for many years in Virginia Beach.  He has used his psychic abilities to assist others in the improvement of Edgar Cayce products. 

Using the One Force, many people will have spiritual experiences for the first time in their lives, (see testimonial page), so our future goals are to support persons to transition to a spiritual lifestyle.  We support all religions and do not endorse any particular religion.

On a spiritual level, the Universal One Force is like a pure angel that is made of two parts. One part is God and the other part is Will, therefore (God plus Will) equals (One Force).  This One Force gives your spirit a very strong will. Your spirit, which is part of God, does not have a strong will that can affect soul patterns. If your spirit had this will, then there would be no free will, as everybody would be one with God. By your choice of using the One Force, you change your soul patterns to a form that is more in harmony with your spirit and God. In other words, the will of God is done in areas affected by the One Force.

The One Force experience is actually a transforming experience because negative patterns are overcome and released, and your soul is brought closer to oneness with God. Clairvoyant psychics, who can see the One Force working, are always amazed at how beautifully and perfectly it works to transform and eliminate deep-seated negative patterns. They are in awe, because they had never before seen anything work so perfectly. They are also our best customers.

At expositions all over the country, we have seen some people reach such exalted states of bliss or peace that it was difficult to get the unit away from them so someone else could try it.  The most important reason God wants people to use the One Force is not for remarkable experiences.  Instead, God wants people to have the One Force to overcome the negative inside, so they can grow and improve spiritually like God wants them to grow.  The spiritual growth should be toward peace, love and other good qualities.

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65 sold in 6 months, and 94% keep rate

Professional model: Regular price $11,797 Now Only $6,797 SAVE $5000 during our New Millennium Sale and 2 year warranty and FREE Shipping and Insurance 
A video of people interviewed after using the Professional One Force at Old Dominion University's Symposium is available for $17 postpaid.

An audio tape is available of a very interesting speech given at Universal Light Expo 2000 in Columbus, Ohio on One Force experiences, uses of the One Force, and how it works.  Order from L&W Sound in Detroit at 1-877-827-3799 ask for Tape SA69 for $8.00.

 Only the Professional model is available at this time at $6797.

Take advantage of the Special low price

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To order contact us today at:

    (757) 425-7792

One Force Corporation

Advancing Energy Medicine and Spiritual Healing

PO Box 4673   Virginia Beach, VA 23454


For more information on our products:

Call 757-425-7792 or

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A FREE One Force may be provided to respected medical research centers whose published results would be accepted by physicians, psychiatrics or other medical professionals.  Medical research is sought because people have reported assistance with these problems: eye problems, pain relief (pain in joints, pain along spine, pain after surgery, chronic pain), tumors and cancer, diabetes, kidney problems, lung problems, digestive problems, difficult or rare skin rash problems, sinus problems, mental health problems (anxiety, depression, anger, sleeplessness, headaches, etc), chronic fatigue syndrome.

The name "One Force" is a trademark, and Foreign and US patents pending. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.   The One Force operates exclusively on a spiritual level.  Research is in progress.  Website design by Robert Sanders.  Copyright 1999 One Force Corporation